A Web Application Penetration Testing Case Study on CPACanada

Client Overview:
Industry: Professional Association
Company Name: CPACanada
Website: www.cpacanada.ca
LeDefenders was engaged by CPACanada, a leading professional association, to conduct a comprehensive web application penetration test on their website www.cpacanada.ca. The objective was to identify and rectify vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise the security and integrity of sensitive data.
Testing Methodology:
LeDefenders employed a multi-faceted approach, combining automated tools with manual testing and extensive code review to ensure a thorough examination of CPACanada’s web application.
The penetration testing revealed several critical vulnerabilities, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Command Injection, and SQL Injection (SQLi).
1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
Vulnerability Description:
XSS vulnerabilities were identified in multiple user-input fields, allowing attackers to inject malicious scripts that could be executed in the context of other user’s browsers.
<!-- Vulnerable Code -->
<input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo $_GET['search']; ?>">

<!-- Attack Payload -->
<script>alert('XSS Attack');</script>
2. Command Injection:
Vulnerability Description:
Command injection vulnerabilities were discovered in the web application, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the underlying system.
<!-- Vulnerable Code -->
$fileName = $_GET['file'];
exec("cat /path/to/files/" . $fileName);

<!-- Attack Payload -->
file.txt; ls -la
3. SQL Injection (SQLI):
Vulnerability Description:
SQL injection vulnerabilities were found in the application, allowing unauthorized access to the database by manipulating SQL queries.
<!-- Vulnerable Code -->
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '" . $_GET['username'] . "'";

<!-- Attack Payload -->
' OR '1'='1'; --
Code Refactoring:
Reviewed and refactored vulnerable code segments.
Implemented secure coding practices to prevent future vulnerabilities.
Input Validation:
Implemented strict input validation to sanitize user inputs effectively.
Utilized security libraries to filter and validate user data.
Security Awareness Training:
Provided tailored security awareness training for CPACanada’s development team.
Emphasized the importance of secure coding practices and continuous vigilance.
Through the collaborative efforts of LeDefenders and CPACanada, the web application vulnerabilities were successfully mitigated. The penetration testing not only enhanced CPACanada’s cybersecurity posture but also demonstrated the commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring a secure online environment for their users.
LeDefenders remains dedicated to fortifying digital defenses, empowering organizations like CPACanada to navigate the evolving landscape of cyber threats with confidence. For inquiries about our penetration testing and cybersecurity services, please visit www.ledefenders.com.